Police Headquarters: Susno Only Starch Police Gives Advice

Johannesburg - Police Headquarters rectify the position given in Komjen Pol Susno Duadji namely as an advisor to Chief of Police expert staff coordinator. Susno just as highly placed as a regular officer.
"Position Pak Susno remained Starch (senior officers) Police Headquarters but was assigned to give advice," said National Police Headquarters spokesman Inspector General Kadiv Pol Anton Bachrul Alam at Police Headquarters, Jl Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Thursday (24/02/2011).
Susno, said Anton, not get a position as previously submitted. "So the only commissioned to provide advice," he added.
Susno status as a defendant any corruption, according to Anton does not affect anything. "No, that's our personnel," he concluded.

source : detik.com

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