Linus Torvalds: Software Is Like Sex, Better Free

In 1991, a student at the University of Helsinki, Finland to distribute the source code (source code) the Linux kernel via the internet. Now 19 years later the codes that are distributed has been transformed into a major operating system known to millions of computer users in the world.
Linus Torvalds, the figure of quiet student had never thought bahwaÃ, Â Linux kernel he developed gave birth to a multibillion-dollar business in the future. Linux, once possible only as the operating system kernel, or heart. The Linux kernel comes with a variety of other software that make up the operating system. Then Linux shifted into a term for a complete operating system called the distro (distribution). For example Fedora.
Today, Linux has also been regarded as the most promising operating system, and dapatÃ, Â buried in servers, desktop computers, tablet PCs, PDAs, cell phones, GPS, robots, and even NASA's shuttle-made. Like the free software and other open source in general, the Linux source code can be modified, used and redistributed freely by anyone.
The long journey Linus develop Linux is not without obstacles. Many times, the Linus should debate with Andrew S Tanenbaum and also Richard M. Stallman is fanatical to the concept of free software, especially when it comes to understanding the openness (open). Linus never cares whether then in a mixed operating system and proprietery free program.
Tanenbaum, Linus and Stallman much influence in the reverse Linux. To know is to figure maker Tanenbaum Minix, an operating system that inspired Linux. Meanwhile, Ã, Â Stallman is known as the figure behind the GNU project. Most Linux systems come from the GNU operating system, which was issued in 1984 by Richard Stallman. The GNU Project, started in 1984 has the objective to create an operating system compatible with Unix and complete and in total comprised of free software.
Linus debate with Tanenbaum happen when the year 1992, when Tanembaum write an article on Usenet yanga,  claimed that Linux was obsolete. à ¢ â, ¬ Å "Linux is an operating system with the design of monolithic and too fixated with the x86 architecture, so not portable, in which he describes as a à ¢ â, ¬ Ëœkesalahan mendasarà ¢ â, ¬ â" ¢ Tanenbaum said the lead article to a debate about the design of monolithic kernel and microkernel.
But the debate did not deter a man who likes to ride it to develop its operating system. Linus continued to develop the Linux kernel is now of size 290 megabytes or more than 9 billion lines of code. Linux and his team received input lines of code from around the world, sort, set priorities and incorporate the most brilliant idea into the kernel. LSD itself backed by dozens of IT giants like IBM, HP, Dell and Sun, both in terms of material and human resources.
Disclosure of source code, make a lot of groups participating developers fix all the features of Linux, as well as move a variety of applications to run on Linux. Linux tends to foreigners who had become increasingly user friendly, because of the KDE and GNOME.
Utilization of the Linux operating system also now been applied to the supercomputers of the world such as The Tetragrid, a megakomputer of America can count more than 13 trillion calculations per second (13.6 TeraFLOPS à ¢ â, ¬ â € œ Floating Operations Per Second). Tetragrid can be used to find solutions to complex math problems and simulations, from cancer research to astronomy and the weather forecast.
Currently Linux in developing countries experiencing very rapid progress. Software prices could reach 100 dollars or more. In a country where average annual incomes between 200-300 U.S. dollars, 100 dollars cash is enormous. With the Linux, everything changed. Now almost every word Linus became the word among Linuxer which creates a certain standard of value. Any publications, speeches, press release email dab always been waiting for millions of people.

source simtronik

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