Microsoft Kin phone Entrance Indonesia ?

Jakarta - Microsoft has just showcased their new mobile phone - Kin - which is intended for users who want to remain always exist on social networking sites. But does this touch screen phones also will stop in Indonesia?

Mona Monika, PR Manager of Microsoft Indonesia said that for now Kin still be available exclusively from Verizon Wireless for the U.S. market. He will be presented at Uncle Sam's domestic mobile phone market in May.

Then, travel Kin will continue to mainland Europe. "Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK will start in spring this year is available through Vodafone. But for now we can not announce the price, "he explained.

So what about Indonesia? Unfortunately, for the Asian market - which includes Indonesia - Microsoft is still not reveal the timetable arrival Kin. Mona was still not able to give clear whether the mobile phone touch screen and sliding berkeyboard it will be sold in Indonesia.

"For the Asian market notification will follow in due course, " in short, to ITGazine on Wednesday (04/14/2010).

Kin is the first smartphone, reinforced with energy-saving chip made ​​by Nvidia Tegra. There are two models that were introduced Kin: Kin Kin One and Two. Both phones have differences in size, One Two smaller and larger.

There are 3 features that most championed Microsoft in the Kin, the Loop, Spot and Studio. Features it is claimed will help users to keep an active social networking via mobile phone that comes from the 'project pink' it.

source simtronik

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