Lawsuit Against Apple Tablet Honeycomb High Risk

Gugatan Apple Terhadap Tablet Honeycomb Beresiko TinggiDiblokirnya Galaxy in the countries of the European Union is no longer a secret. And it's like Apple's request has been filed against the EU, as also happened in Australia. And the next victim you certainly already know, Motorola Xoom.
According to a Reuters report, what Apple is a high risk strategy. Apple wants to maintain its leadership in the global market but the move is perceived to be an impact that will hit the Apple. Handling such cases is expected to take months until the court makes keputuskan. And during that period, Apple should provide a variety of evidence to support allegations that the Galaxy and other tablets had violated his copyright. The risk is, if Apple is unable to provide hard evidence and Samsung or other manufacturers who won the case, then Apple who have lost a lot of money.
"If Apple is proven wrong with the charges then Apple should pay as compensation Samsung related all that was triggered by a lawsuit, and it's very risky for Apple."
A strategy to maintain market share would make Apple is in a defensive position. The technology experts from Frost & Sullivan, Milroy, said that Apple uses in ways businesses compete with their opponents through the courts. This method is called as part of a high level of commercial strategy in the market also continues to evolve with the probability of success is also quite high. It is a way to slow the pace of competition with any purpose.
Reuter also noted that Apple was making a big war to maintain its dominance in the global marketplace by doing any tablets that are considered important ways, including the matter of a patent lawsuit.

source gopego

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