North Korea Preparing Nuclear Test

Seoul - North Korea (North Korea) reported getting ready to return to nuclear testing. The communist country has started to build tunnels at the nuclear test site that apparently in preparation for an atomic bomb detonation.

According to news agency South Korean (ROK), Yonhap quoted a South Korean official. It said the official, North Korea has started building at least two new tunnels at a nuclear facility Punggye-ri in North Hamgyong Province.

Construction of tunnels is believed to be preparing to test an atomic bomb underground.

"This is clear evidence that North Korea was preparing a nuclear test in the third," said the unnamed officials as reported by the Daily Telegraph on Monday (2/21/2011).

It said the official, North Korea builds more than one tunnel in order to choose which is best for the nuclear test. The tunnels can not be used again after the nuclear test explosions.

According to these officials, the possibility of nuclear tests conducted by using material from North Korea's plutonium stockpile. South Korea and the United States government estimates that North Korea's plutonium stockpile enough to produce between six to eight atomic bombs.

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